Judy Kuszewski

Chief Executive

Judy’s greatest pleasure in working at Sancroft is in fostering the growth and development of Sancroft’s uniquely talented, diverse, creative and professional team.

Judy is Sancroft’s Chief Executive, a position she has held since 2017. Judy’s career in sustainable business and ESG began over thirty years ago. She is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable advisors in the field, spanning strategy, corporate reporting and ESG integration, and sectors from investment to energy, food, extractives and technology.

Judy has served on numerous advisory, governance or technical bodies related to business and sustainability. She is a member of the EU High-level Working Group on Scaling up Sustainable Finance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. From 2017-2023, she was Chair of the Global Sustainability Standards Board, which has responsibility for the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards used by over 11,000 organisations every year as the basis for their sustainability reporting. Judy is also a non-executive director of Worker Info Exchange, a nonprofit think tank/advocacy organisation dedicated to helping workers access and gain insight from data collected from them at work, usually by smartphone, to create better workplace conditions, and to advocate for responsible use of platform technology and algorithmic transparency.

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