Elise Groulx Diggs


Elise Groulx Diggs practices international human rights law and international criminal law, with wide experience advising public and private sector clients.

She advises corporations on human rights risks in their strategic projects and supply chains. A recognized expert in international criminal law, she also assists businesses in assessing the legal risks of operating in fragile states and conflict zones. She advises corporations, law firms, organisations and international NGOs in the United States, Canada, France and the United Kingdom with a focus on the UNGPs, the OECD guidelines for Multinational, the Equator principles and the SDGs.

Elise offers legal advisory and training services to support corporations conducting human rights due diligence, audits and social risk assessments. She is an expert at helping businesses and financial institutions to assess their legal exposures related to business operations and supply chains in conflict-affected regions. She has advised multinational corporations on a variety of issues including: due diligence assessments for investments in conflict-prone countries; business complicity in war crimes; corporate criminal liability; and remediation programs for victims and rights holders of human rights and environmental violations occurring near mining projects.

Elise is licensed to practice law in several jurisdictions and is also an international mediator.

Elise is one of the world’s top lawyers in the field of Business and Human Rights moving from Band 2 (2017-18-19) to Band 1 (2020) and finally recognized as “Eminent Practitioner” in 2022 (Chambers & Partners Global Guide).

She is also affiliated with the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC, where she is Co-Director, with Professor Mitt Regan, of a programme in Business and Human Rights for Lawyers at the Center for the Legal Profession. She was just appointed Chair of the Business and Human Rights Initiative launched by the new President of the American Bar Association in August 2022.

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