News: Sancroft launches ESG reporting drop-in clinic for investors

By Alex Miller

Sancroft has launched a new drop-in ESG reporting clinic for investors who want to better understand how to meet and prioritise their ESG disclosure in the year ahead.

Every Friday in March, investors can book a 30 minute one-to-one consultation slot where they will have the opportunity to ask questions around the requirements of key ESG reporting frameworks, planning, data-gathering and best practice in disclosure.

“Whether it is how best to prepare for the upcoming UN PRI disclosure window or understanding of what firms can do to best assess the impact of specific issues such as climate change, nature or human rights on their portfolios or assets, our ESG reporting clinic offers investors the chance to draw on impartial advice from a team with extensive experience of working with clients in this space,” says Sancroft CEO Judy Kuszewski. “We can help sense-check existing plans, share ideas on how to evolve your approach to reporting or problem solve specific challenges.”

To secure a one-to-one slot in the ESG reporting clinic, simply email, outlining what you would like to cover in the session and we will get in touch to book your appointment.